Now that you’ve had the chance to practice, you’ll compose your own narrative paragraphs conveying a setting from a chosen point of view. You’ll be given two optional visual prompts and two optional point of view characters, but you may also create your own characters and settings according to the steps we followed today.
You are free to review any materials used today when writing your paragraph. Scroll down for the official assignment, the assessment rubric, and the optional prompts. When your work is complete, sent it to your instructor via the method of their choosing.
Engaging Settings Post-Assessment
Objective: Use precise and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of a setting in narrative writing. (LAFS.910.W.1.3, LAFS.1112.W.1.3)
Compose a logically connected narrative paragraph that conveys a clear description of a setting from a chosen point of view.
You may use either of the two optional prompts for the point of view character, either of the two optional visual prompts for the setting, or create your own setting and character.
The paragraph should:
First optional visual prompt:
Second optional visual prompt:
Optional point of view characters: